Epaphroditus foundation for outreach, restoration and training, (E.F.F.O.R.T.225) was established because we had a passion to see where God was working and support those workers as well as to serve those in need. EFFORT is a not for profit foundation comprised of one family’s passion to follow God’s calling. EFFORT has four primary programs. Below are brief explanations of each one, please read as you may be uniquely called or qualified to assist in a specific way from construction to counseling, crisis relief or church liaise work.
Currently we assist in providing basic needs to floundering orphanages, assist in home builds and general building and maintenance for facilities such as orphanages, shelters, teen centers and other forms of housing and outreaches that are being run by local missionaries currently lacking the funding or support teams to assist in their needs.
EFFORT also strives to support missionaries worldwide by providing therapy to missionaries in the field. EFFORT is available to assist missionaries and their families in the aftermath of any struggles, disasters or traumas that the missionaries may have encountered. This can be from small to large scale. At times, it may be as simple as providing additional support after a surgery or birth of a child or providing contact in an isolated area where family struggles have crept in. However, it may also be outreach and support after a natural disaster, war outbreak or tragedy. EFFORT has as one of its members a licensed clinical psychologist that has provided mental health services and trainings to missionaries around the world.
EFFORT strives to provide a strong connection between the missionary and their supporters. EFFORT works with churches and missionaries to establish core care teams as a means of keeping the bonds and communication alive so that missionaries continue to feel connected to those back home. These core care teams may also use the members of EFFORT to send care packages to the missionaries should the trips ever coincide.
EFFORT strives to assist others who desire to serve yet may lack the funding to do so. EFFORT has been blessed by the generosity of those that strongly believe that assistance should be provided to any who have a desire to serve so that they may be able. We want to continue this generosity. Those with a deep passion to assist in mission trips yet lack the funds may apply for assistance through EFFORT.
Phillipian 2:25-30
Kevin, Beverly and Joey Barclay